LIBRI: Italy Reborn: From Fascism to Democracy; Mark Gilbert We all know the phrase "may you live in interesting times" and, alas, Italy has indeed been through its fair share of these. One of its "interesting times" corresponds to the period following the defeat of fascist Italy in WW2 and the emergence of the Italian democratic state. The transition was all but smooth yet Mark Gilbert manages to take us on a ride through the twists and turns of this turbulent period with the flair of a true roller-coaster master! Come si dice "roller coaster" in italiano? Le montagne russe! Perché? Clicca qui! (Febbraio, 2025). MUSICA: Il corpo umano, Vol. 1; Jovanotti
Il grande Lorenzo Cherubini, in arte Jovanotti, rèduce di un brutto incidente in bici a Santo Domingo il 10 maggio 2024 che gli ha procurato la rottura di clavicola e femore, ha pubblicato un nuovo album, Il corpo umano, Vol. 1. Ne parleremo e ascolteremo una delle canzoni in classe - forse Un mondo a parte ! Intanto, troverete il disco sulle solite piattaforme di streaming musicale. In basso, eccolo intervistato su (Febbraio, 2025) |
TAZZINE ILLY: It may not be scientifically proven - yet! - but we know that a lovely coffee cup, in the sense of a beautifully designed one, perhaps even beautifully decorated, not only enhances the pleasure of the physical act of having a coffee, but it enhances the actual flavour of the coffee! In 1990, someone from Illy, a certain Francesco, asked an industrial designer, a certain Matteo, to design a new espresso coffee cup. Why? We don't know, but we are very glad he did because Matteo came up with the iconic Illy coffee cup! Soon after, a certain Pippo, had the wonderful idea of inviting established and emerging artists to decorate the cups, and thus, the Illy Art Collection was born. Pippo's identity is entirely fictional but if you'd like to own your very own set of Illy Art Collection cups, now is the time to do so as Illy Australia is offering a 20% discount on all its offerings, including the cups, until the 14th of February! Evviva!!! Che significa "evviva"? Per saperlo, clicca qui! Pippo, dove sei? (Febbraio, 2025) LIBRI: Iconophages: A History of Ingesting Images; Jérémie Koering Have you ever had the urge to eat an image? Hopefully not but it musn't have been that uncommon a practice for Jérémie Koering to actually write a book about the history of ingesting images! (The fact that Italians often seem to make an appearance, is quite disturbing!) Published by Zone Books, not only does the topic promise to be fascinating, but the simple pleasure of turning the pages and feeling the paper, looking at the beautiful black and white reproductions, and admiring the cover of a Zone book, let alone ingesting some of the pages, if you are thus inclined, make it a truly worthwhile addition to any library. (Febbraio, 2025) |